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一、来、离园(come to and leave the kindergarten)

1.小朋友早。Good morning, Kids.

2.小朋友早。Hello, kids. / Hi, kids.

3.小朋友再见。Good-bye, kids.

4.向……问早安。Say good morning to …

5.和妈妈/爸爸/爷爷/奶奶再见。Say good-bye to your Mummy/ Daddy/Grandpa/Grandma.

6.你好吗?How are you?

7.见到你很高兴。Nice to see you.


9.我真想你们啊。I miss you very much.

10.你真有礼貌。How polite you are!

11.快请进。Come in , please!

12.你今天高兴吗?Are you happy today?

13.你昨天去了哪?Where did you go yesterday?

14.你周末过得怎么样?How was your weekend?

15.你怎么不高兴?Why are you looking unhappy?

16.你还好吗?Are you OK?

17.我来量一下你的体温。Let me take your temperature.

18.我的体温有多高?What’s my temperature?

19.你的体温是 三十六点七摄氏度 。It is 36.7 (Thirty six point seven degree Celsius.)

20.别担心,上点药就好了。Don’t worry; it will be OK right after applying some medicine.

21.贴上创可贴就好了。It will be OK, right after applying the bandage.

22.打一针就好了。It will be OK, right after giving an injection.

23.洗手时别弄湿伤口。Keep your wound dry。

24.和妈妈、爸爸说再见。Say bye-bye to your Mummy/ Daddy.

25.请把外衣脱掉。 Please take off your coat.

26.搬把椅子坐在那里。Take a chair and sit there.

27.玩会儿玩具好吗?Play with the toys, will you?

28.请浇浇花。Please water the flowers.

29.请帮我擦擦桌子。Please help me clean the tables.

30.你的衣服真漂亮。 What a pretty dress you are wearing!

31.谁给你买的?Who bought it for you?

32.谁去过北京?Who has been to Beijing ?

33.谁带你去的北京?Who took you to Beijing ?

34.你还去过哪里? Where else have you been ?

35.今天值日… 。is/ are on duty today.

36.我们来点一下名。Let’s call the roll.

37.请大声点。Louder, please.

38.请进。Come in, please.

39.请坐。Sit down, please.

40.脱下外套。Take your coats off.

41.别哭,乖乖的。Don’t cry. Be good.

42.把玩具放在箱子里。Put your toys in the box.

43.画天气预报。Draw weather forecast.

44.给花浇水。Water the flowers/plants.

45.点名。Take roll. / Roll call.

46.都到齐了吗?Is everyone here?

47.老师点到你的名字时,请说“到”。When you hear your name, please stand up and say “ I’m here!”

48.谁没来?Who is not here? / Who is absent?

49.为什么迟到了?Why are you late?

50.今天天气如何?What day is today?

51.你好吗?How are you?

52.今天谁值日?Who’s on duty today?

53.收拾好玩具。Put away y

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