1¡¢Good morning¡£ ÔçÉϺã¡
2¡¢Good afternoon¡£ ÏÂÎçºÃ£¡
3¡¢Good morning, class¡£ ͬѧÃÇÔçÉϺã¡
4¡¢Hello, everyone£¡ ´ó¼ÒºÃ£¡
5¡¢It's time for class¡£ ÉϿεÄʱ¼äµ½ÁË¡£
6¡¢Let's begin our class¡£ ¿ªÊ¼ÉϿΡ£
7¡¢Let's start¡£ ¿ªÊ¼¡£
8¡¢Shall we begin? Yes£¬let's begin¡£ ÎÒÃÇ¿ªÊ¼°É£¿ºÃ£¬ÎÒÃÇ¿ªÊ¼¡£
9¡¢Please look at me¡£ Çë¿´ÎÒ¡£
10¡¢Let's have a break¡£ ÎÒÃÇÐÝϢһϡ£
11¡¢Let's have a rest¡£ ÎÒÃÇÐÝϢһϡ£
12¡¢Break time¡£ ÐÝϢʱ¼ä¡£
13¡¢Time is up¡£ ʱ¼äµ½¡£
14¡¢That's all for today£¡ ½ñÌì¾Íµ½Õâ¶ù¡£
15¡¢We stop here¡£ ÎÒÃǵ½´Ë½áÊø¡£
16¡¢Let's call it a day¡£ ½ñÌì¾Íµ½Õâ¶ù¡£
17¡¢Class is over¡£ Ï¿Ρ£
18¡¢Goodbye everyone£¡ ´ó¼ÒÔÙ¼û¡£
19¡¢See you next time¡£ Ï´μû¡£
20¡¢See you later¡£ »ØÍ·¼û
21¡¢Goodbye¡£ / Bye-bye¡£ ÔÙ¼û¡£
22¡¢Give me a hug¡£ Óµ±§Ò»Ï¡£
23¡¢Let's sing the "goodbye" song together¡£ ÎÒÃÇÒ»ÆðÀ´³ª“ÔÙ¼û¸è”¡£
24¡¢Is everyone here£¿ ÿ¸öÈ˶¼ÔÚÂð£¿
25¡¢When teacher calls your name£¬ please stand up and say "Here¡£" ÀÏʦ½Ðµ½ÄãµÄÃû×Ö£¬ÇëÕ¾ÆðÀ´Ëµ“µ½”¡£
26¡¢Do you remember your name£¿ »¹¼ÇµÃÄãÃǵÄÃû×ÖÂð£¿
27¡¢Is ______ here£¿ ______ÔÚÂð£¿
28¡¢Here£¡ µ½£¡
29¡¢Who is not here£¿ ËûÓе½ÄØ£¿
30¡¢______ is not here¡£ _______ûµ½¡£
31¡¢Why do you late£¿ Ϊʲô³Ùµ½£¿
32¡¢What's the matter£¿ ·¢ÉúÁËʲôÊÂÇ飿
33¡¢Come in£¬ please¡£ Çë½ø¡£
34¡¢Let's play a game¡£ ÎÒÃÇÍæÓÎÏ·°É¡£
35¡¢Let's begin¡£/start¡£ ÎÒÃÇ¿ªÊ¼¡£
36¡¢Are you ready£¿ ×¼±¸ºÃÁËÂð£¿
37¡¢One£¬ two£¬ three£¬ go£¡ Ò»¡¢¶þ¡¢Èý£¬¿ªÊ¼£¡
38¡¢Who is the first one£¿ ËÊǵÚÒ»Ãû£¿
39¡¢I'm the first one¡£ ÎÒÊǵÚÒ» Ãû¡£
40¡¢Who is winner£¿ ËÓ®ÁË¡£
41¡¢We are the winners£¡ ÎÒÃÇÓ®ÁË¡£
42¡¢Who wants to try£¿ ËÔ¸ÒâÀ´ÊÔÒ»ÊÔ£¿
43¡¢It's your turn¡£ ÂÖµ½ÄãÁË¡£
44¡¢Please follow me¡£ Çë¸úÎÒѧ¡£
45¡¢Watch me£¡ ¿´ÎÒ£¡
46¡¢ I will divide you into two teams¡£ ÎÒÒª°ÑÄãÃÇ·Ö³ÉÁ½×é¡£
47¡¢You are the APPLE team¡£ ÄãÃÇÊÇ“Æ»¹û”×é¡£
48¡¢You are the BANANA team¡£ ÄãÃÇÊÇ“Ï㽶”×é¡£
49¡¢Really£¿ ÕæµÄÂð£¿
50¡¢Are you sure£¿ ¿Ï¶¨Âð£¿
51¡¢Teacher£¬ me£¡ £¨Ñ§ÉúÓÀÏʦ£¬½ÐÎÒ£¡
52¡¢When I say your name£¬ please stand up¡£ µ±ÎÒ˵µ½ÄãµÄÃû×Ö£¬ÇëÕ¾ÆðÀ´¡£
53¡¢Let's count¡£ “one£¬ two£¬ three” ÎÒÃÇÒ»ÆðÊý£ºÒ»¡¢¶þ¡¢Èý
54¡¢Louder£¬ please¡£ Çë´óÉùµã¡£
55¡¢Let's form a line¡£ ÎÒÃÇÅųÉÒ»ÅÅ¡£
56¡¢Let's make a circle¡£ ÎÒÃÇΧ¸öȦ¡£
57¡¢Try again£¡ ÔÙÊÔÒ»´Î£¡
58¡¢Better luck next time¡£ Ï´κÃÔË¡£
59¡¢Don't feel bad¡£ You will win next time¡£ ±ðÄѹý£¬ÄãÏ´λáÓ®µÄ¡£
60¡¢Quickly£¡ ¿ì£¡
61¡¢Hurry up£¡ ¸Ï¿ì£¡
62¡¢Take it easy£¡ ÂýÂýÀ´£¡
63¡¢Be careful£¡ СÐÄ£¡
64¡¢Come on£¡ ¼ÓÓÍ£¡
65¡¢Let's jump¡£ ÎÒÃÇÒ»ÆðÌø¡£
66¡¢That's it£¡ Keep going£¡ ¾ÍÊÇÕâÑù£¡¼ÌÐø£¡
67¡¢Let's run¡£ ÎÒÃÇÒ»ÆðÅÜ¡£
68¡¢Let's hop¡£ ÎÒÃÇÒ»Æðµ¥ÍÈÌø¡£
69¡¢Let's walk¡